
Near-Frictionless Long-Distance Water Transport in Trees Enabled by Hierarchically Helical Molecular Pumps
Yanjun Liu, Jialin Zhang, and Peiyi Wu*. CCS Chem. 2025, 7, 484-492.
Tailor-made high elasticity and low-hysteresis hydrogels based on asymmetric H-bonding crosslinking...
Xiaofang Shi*, Nan Shi, Miaomiao Dang, Chengyu Ji, Yingjie Li, Peiyi Wu*, and Zhiguo Hu*. Sci. China Chem. 2025, 68, ASAP.
MXene Nanosheet-Enhanced Ionotronic Hydrogels for Wireless Powering and Noncontact Sensing
Yaoqian Han, Zhouyue Lei*, and Peiyi Wu*. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2025, ASAP.